

Warm reminder

Filed under: Hong Kong,Learn — pinksealife @ 12:56
Paper due date 臨近, Prof. RERES 除了交代詳情,也傳來關心,Workload雖變態但不玫不近人情

From: Reyes Alejandro Trinidad . [POLI0019]
To: All Section Instructors; All Teaching Assistants; All Students; All Auditors
Subject: POLI0019: Tips for those burning the midnight oil

Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tips for those burning the midnight oil:

1. Take a 10-minute break from staring at your computer screen every 20-30 minutes. Get up and take a walk or run. Do something to take your mind off your paper.

2. Have some protein – a hard-boiled egg, a burger (no bun!), chicken breast, cheese – but stay away from the carbs, e.g. rice, especially white rice. Don’t stuff yourself. Just have enough to be satisfied but not full. It’s better than caffeine!

3. Don’t give yourself a sugar rush, e.g. a snack of fruit or a candy bar. The sugar rush will raise your energy levels sharply but then you will have as sudden a crash and will quickly slow down and feel sluggish.

4. Drink a lot of water. Don’t have juice, which has a lot of sugar.

5. Don’t work too late. It’s better to have some sleep and get back to the computer in the morning when you are fresh.

Good luck!

Al. Reyes

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